Who was that?

. 🚩 Who was that? . 🚩

 The sun was scattered through its redness, its rays were hidden in its surroundings, a village which was near the forest, the platform of that village was almost tied to the forest itself, it had gone into the luncheon of darkness, because in the platform village Because of its development it was also running at a slow pace like the village, so there was no system of light on any of them. There was no village going on when there was darkness. Due to lack of light there was also the curse of that platform. By taking advantage of it, the thieves used to take the events of loot robbery. Like daily, the night silence was spread on the platform, only then the sharpened horn of the train turned the night's silence into a noise. The train stopped at the station and after a while it was gone. A man wearing a suit boot was landed. One person who was alone at that station, then 2 o'clock in the night after leaving the train At the station, the darkness and silence were re-captured. There were voices of many wild animals coming from all sides that were creating a dreadful atmosphere so that anyone could tremble to the person but there was no effect on that person. He was going straight without seeing it in the other side. The man had a suitcase in both hands. The person left the station and proceeded towards the village towards the path of his calmness in the quiet atmosphere. Then suddenly the nearby shrubs were stopped and the voice of the bushes reached the ears of the person but he did not respond, and he was walking at that speed. Suddenly the shrubs came again and now the two unbelieving pauses They were not robbers who were about to carry out the looting incidents, and that was something that happened. The robbers started following the person, But that person did not realize anything. For a moment a robber keeps the person behind his shoulder from behind and strikes with a knife on the back of the person at the second moment and the other robber kicks him in the stomach, but the person stands inclined towards the front without falling Both robbers are stunned after seeing them and then a looter from them keeps their hands on the shoulder and turns them towards their side.

And it comes in front of a creepy end, which is one of the coolest environments. The person who was calm and ordinary looked a few moments before, the sound of a dreaded pennant was coming out and his face had taken a disgusting and distorted form. The robbers had already disappeared. | By the time he had done something else, he had taken an aggressive stance, he snatched a robber's neck from his bloody claws and thrown him away while blowing it in the air. The blood clothed with blood had been tormented by painAs soon as he saw the other robber, he escaped from there. He ran away running. Tired of being tired and his courage had been answered, he was roaring badly. In the end, the robber started hiding under a tree and hiding in the tree's oat and started looking in that direction. After some time, the robber had followed the same horrific voices after him, as if he looked back and looked back, there was no one but he was scared badly, he fell on the ground crying. Then she again sounds the same voice and she sees her head lifted up and standing in front of her, she was staring at the scream of the robber. The robber's neck was now in the bloody claw of that dinghy, due to the fast nails, the blood fountain broke out with the robber's neck. Her feet were in the air, after some moment her feet did not stop moving, and she would drink all her blood. The jungle was still calm, as if nothing happened, only then the train's fast horn turned the silent status of the forest into noise. After the departure of the train, there was again darkness and silence on the station. At the station many people find that black suit booth striking the person on the road, but he does not harm any person. What is the car he wants? Is he a ghost who is protecting villagers from bad people? Why does Akhirkar do that? There are many questions that will be spreading the villagers and you! * The last question is: "Who was that?" "Anyway whatever has been a good person


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